[Vwdiesel] AHU Improvements

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Fri Jan 7 21:39:58 PST 2011

In a message dated 1/7/2011 3:15:09 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
tadc at europa.com writes:

> The whole point of EGR is to reduce NOx formation by reducing peak
> combustion temps.  This is achieved by recirculating exhaust gas, which is
> depleted of oxygen, slowing combustion and reducing peak temps.

  Looking at it that way, it seems likely that burn would happen sooner and 

possibly lower EGT rather than raise it.

  I removed all of it on mine and Dad's Passats.  We were told that our 
don't pay attention to an EGR signal (off road use) so no CEL.  Dad has 
stage 2, I have stage 1.  Interestingly his throws an EGR code (light's 
on anyway due to a broken off gp) and mine doesn't!

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