[Vwdiesel] Poop! Update

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon Jan 17 23:24:09 PST 2011

> It's not some kind of immobiliser is it?

  Nope, standard key.
  While talking to my friend about a wiring diagram (he has his own import 
repair shop here) he had to have an imobilizer  imobilized.  I guess 
an accepted way of doing that.  His opinon is that VW was very short 
on the whole concept.  Works great for 4 or 5 years then you start having 
problems or in this particular instance (and many others) the ECU goes bad 
so you put in a used one.  Nope, the imobilize won't let the car run 
because the 
VIN doesn't match the one the ECU knows so no start, no way.  Thus negating 

the imobilizer.  

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