[Vwdiesel] 2001 Golf TDi juice drain

Val Christian val at mongo.mongobird.com
Thu Jan 20 10:03:17 PST 2011

Depends upon the cell formulation.

There are established radiant energy tables, with established (measured)
spectral energy content.  

In my area, near the Graat Lakes, it's important to have a high IR 
photoresponsivity, because we have more cloud cover than Topeka Kansas.

> In a message dated 1/20/2011 5:46:48 AM Pacific Standard Time, =
> pmoretti at gmail.com writes:
> > Rolf, you could try with one of these:
> > =
> > http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.8506
> > =
> > It=B4s not expensive and it works, very useful if you don=B4t drive daily.
> > =
> > Pablo.
> > =
> > =
>   Only problem with winter time solar is that it's nearly non-existent, at =
> least =
> in the northern US.  I have a couple 110W panels in the backyard.  The =
> first =
> year I had it set up (still not installed, just connected) from Nov to =
> March, it =
> produced 14 hours of electricity.  In addition, summer hours produce almost =
> twice as much per hour as winter.  Not a lot of photonic energy going on =
> here =
> in the Winter!
>     Loren
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