[Vwdiesel] Ever had your car speak to you
Stephen Kraus
ub3ratl4sf00 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 30 21:17:46 PDT 2011
My TDI does it all the time, it just lets me know when I need to pamper it
with an oil change by a slight change in tone in its daily rattling
On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 9:11 PM, Travis Gottschalk <tgott at hotmail.com>wrote:
> So my car the last couple days has had the revs going up and down a little
> at idle. Idle when cold never has been that great on the car anyways so I
> haven't thought much about it. I noticed if I had my foot on the throttle a
> little it would even out and be fine. And being summer the oil pressure is
> just low enough when really hot that a little more revs I thought wouldn't
> hurt. So I open on the hood and start adjusting. I then notice one of the
> injectors is a little wet with fuel. Looks like the ruber line is leaking a
> bit. So I trim that. I start it and notice a little bit of air bubbles
> coming out of the injector (maybe just my eyes). So i put a new heat shield
> in to be safe. As I am looking at the injection pump as my hand was on it is
> seemed to move some. Yup-it was moving. The mounting bolts were
> loose/missing. The 1.9 TD AAZ only has 3 bolts holding the IP on and one was
> gone and the other two were a bit loose. So I got to start on the timing
> belt replacement as my belt
> had also slid over from the looseness and eat up 1/8 of an inch of the
> width of the belt. Put a new tensioner pulley in as well because it sounded
> dry enough (which these were 3 years old so close enough to due). I had
> another similar length bolt in my stock so I lock tighted them this time. I
> just need to put everything back in. Close call and thankfully my car was
> telling me something was up.
> Travis G
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