[Vwdiesel] Turbo Questions

mark shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Thu Jun 9 14:01:34 PDT 2011

If the label reads ...AX then it's Garret, mX is KKK. I think in '82 only 
KKK available.

How do you know it needs a rebuild? Oil on turbo usually comes from valve 
cover problems. Small amout of oil, almost expected. The exhaust flange is 
just a square of metal with a hole. Easy to drill out and file if you needed 
one. Gasket can be made from a few sheets of baked bean tin....


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "david hardy" <david at planetmind.net>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 6:57 PM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Turbo Questions

> Hi all,
> I just I have a couple turbo-related questions:
> -can someone identify my turbo:
> http://planetmind.net/david/gallery/turbo/turbo1.jpg
> http://planetmind.net/david/gallery/turbo/turbo2.jpg
> it's out of a '82 Quantum TD.
> -does anyone know of a place that will rebuild it ? It leaks oil pretty 
> bad.
> -Does anyone happen to have, or have a source for, the flange that mates 
> with the exhaust outlet? I wish I'd grabbed it off the Quantum, but I 
> didn't.
> Also, unrelated: does anyone know the length of a vanagon diesel 1.6NA oil 
> dipstick? I lost either the one from the Quantum or the van, and I'm not 
> sure which one I have.
> Thanks,
> David
> '83 Vanagon Westy 1.6TD 5-speed
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