[Vwdiesel] Rear Window Pickup

Craig O. cosborn at epix.net
Mon Jun 20 17:55:12 PDT 2011

Hello all,
I purchased a supposedly NOS rear slider window on ebay for my 1981 US 
manufactured diesel PU.
When the window arrived, it was not a match at all.  It was wider and 
shorter in height than the stock opening on my pickup.  My question is 
this ---
Did all VW pickups have the same window size from 1979 to 1984?  His 
listing read:

  Vw Rabbit Pickup Caddy NOS Clear Slider Window

/This listing is for one Brand New  Clear glass slider window for 79-84 
Rabbit Pickup  Caddy. These are brand new in the box/.

Craig Osborn

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