Travis Gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 1 14:53:27 PST 2011

I buoght a new parts place head. I had nothing but trouble as they seem to use one casting for all the heads. It has the second oil port drilled out for the hydro head but then there is a plug in there. Well, good luck getting that plug to stay sealed. And it leaks both the coolant and the oil from the way it is. I JB welded it and tried other things. The coolant ports don't line up the best. It worked but I wasn't impressed. I have heard that a "rebuilt" head doesn't have the right shims to adjust latter on. They only put the thick ones in and when it comes to pull some on the lifters you can't get the right size to pull. No experience with that just heard it. I have had both good and bad luck with Parts place. I would never get a rebuilt injection pump from them or a head or the CV joint boots (cracked right away). But I have gotten loads of seals, coolant hoses, timing belts, ball joints, tie rods, etc. 
Travis G

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