[Vwdiesel] 9k rebuilt '82 Diesel Westy coolant temp rising, but better at high revs?! Air bubbles but no gasket issues??

Will Taygan william at taygan.com
Mon Nov 28 13:00:59 PST 2011

Sorry, normal running is just above the 1/2 light, it bumps up to 3/4 on
the hills, or even while accelerating on the flats.  I haven't let it
get too high, though I know this past summer the fan would turn on when
the light goes off.  It's acting like an air bubble working its way
out??  I rev the engine, even on the hills and it comes back down to
just above the middle light.

This is normal function when it first warms up: goes to 3/4, then back
down to 1/2.

UPDATE:  I readjusted the leaky junction, and now the coolant cap is
working properly.  It was 3 qts low, though.  Still hoping I didn't blow
the gasket,  I have a low coolant sensor retrofitted and there was
always coolant in the pressure tank.


On Mon, 2011-11-28 at 13:33 -0700, Andrew .Libby wrote:
> If it's only getting 1/2 way to the red light in the middle of the
> gauge, then it's running too cold.  From the LED to the 3/4 mark is
> the normal coolant temp range.  What are you basing the overheating
> clam on?
> Andrew
> On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 11:51 AM, Will Taygan <william at taygan.com>
> wrote:
>         '82 Westy #2 has always had some bubbles in the coolant
>         reservoir.  9000
>         miles on rebuilt 1.6NA.
>         **Now it's "overheating" UNLESS I drive at high rpms.**
>         (Just getting 1/2 way to the red light, but I'm actively
>         trying to keep
>         it low.  Idling down long downhills also drop the temps?!)

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