[Vwdiesel] stick stuck in cylinder

Dave Cook davevw at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 30 20:28:22 PST 2011

Sounds like I know of a Jetta that is getting a new head gasket...

Seriously I am not sure I can think of any way to get it out, other than maybe you could try pulling the glow plug and poking around with a narrow gauge wire.  Might get lucky, maybe pull it towards the injector hole and get a better stab at it.  

Dave Cook

 From: jonathan hoehl <jjhoehl at hotmail.com>
To: mailing list <vwdiesel at vwfans.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 8:39 PM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] stick stuck in cylinder

Hi guys, I've got a problem that I really need some help with.  My friend was trying to find TDC on a '97 Tdi Jetta. He couldn't see the mark on the flywheel so he removed the injector and put a wooden chopstick in the hole.  As he was turning the crankshaft, the engine locked-up.  He broke the chopstick and it seems the piece that broke is stuck between the piston and the valves.  The broken piece is probably an inch long.  He had the timing belt off because he re-sealed the pump.  We put some oil down there and tried to light it up with a propane torch.  It's still in there. Anyone have any ideas?  Know where to get some termites? thanks, Jon                           
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