[Vwdiesel] 91 eco diesel jetta fs, now

mikitka mikitka at embarqmail.com
Mon Sep 19 17:40:13 PDT 2011

I can understand needing the money but he should be able to get more than
that for it if it is in good condition.  Sorry to hear he has to sell it.  I
wish I was closer to help.

buddy in hard times needs to sell his jetta.
this is the eco diesel 1.6TD
225K miles
leaky head gasket. oil in the water, but no water in the oil.
wants $500 where is, as is. but willing to negotiate.
located in zip 83843- that's moscow ID

need to unload NOW. email me and i'll get back to you. has title, totally
legit, just hard-up.


"may the four winds blow you safely home"

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