[Vwdiesel] PROTHE on ebay??
Travis Gottschalk
tgott at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 25 09:16:24 PDT 2011
Wow, I almost need some popcorn to eat with this discussion. I did fail to mention that when I bought my pressed lead flaked gasket I also bought another gasket from him. It was the paypal that I realized my mistake. I got the reply that the gasket I was needing more (but found out the turbo to manifold gasket doesn't exist on an aaz) that they didn't have it in stock so he refunded my money-on the intake gasket which was cheaper. So I got a crappy gasket and was refunded the wrong amount. If you look at the negative feedback on ebay with him you see he "tries" to resolve the issue and makes the other person out to look bad. I don't need that on my feed back so I just don' give him feed back. That is a case of a guy knowing the system too well. I won't support someone who does business like that.
As far as the china crap out there. Same thing. They might have some good products but there is far to many bad things. Bad sheet rock that smelt like sulfur. Baby formula that was killing babies. Dog food that was killing dogs. How many toys have had lead paint in them coming from there. Just because they have REALLY cheap labor and a rigged money system where that makes them compete world wide in parts only on the price. Anyone realized how many cars china makes that is in the USA-none. There is a car that is going to come over but even that isn't totally china made. They can't make a car safe enough to meet the standards in the US. They have little quality control over anything. They put money over there own people. Have you seen just the coal miner deaths over there? Here if we kill 50 people in all the mines in the us a year that is a bad year. There that is just one accident. They kill them by the thousands. And the pollution. Anyone remember they had to shut down the factories for a long time just to have the Olympics there? Imagine breathing that everyday. Think about the things they do that we don't know about. They have little regard for the environment and the people. The government still tells what people can see and do there remember. The internet is regulated even there. Sorry, if I can avoid supporting the country that owns our country I will (from the amount of US gov debt they own). Has anyone seen the shows out there trying to find US made things just for there home or dorm room in college? I would pay triple for an item NOT made in china if I had the choice between the two. Do other countries have issues-yes. But they have reputations to try to keep and most don't have the gov forcing them to work and keeping them in business.
As far as the BEW cam and injectors. No offense but I have heard of that issue enough and it is beating a dead horse really. Every car out there has some issue. Every one of the JD tractors we have in our collection has some sort of an issue (some worst then others). Does that mean JD didn't do there research? No, you can't find every single issue that is going to happen. The struggle for the emissions and power made the unit injector needed in VW's. The Common rail tech wasn't perfected just yet. There is several others that used a unit injector driven from the cam. To say that an ALH doesn't have its issues is false. How many have had leaking IPs. How much more expensive is a timing belt. There was several other issues as well. The Common rail engine has issues as well. And for the fact there is an equal amount that don't have cam/injector issues that have made 250K miles. You can do a lot of testing and not see all the issues in all the environments.
Cat does a lot of testing. Yet there best proving grounds are overseas in africa actually. They have people that have never been on a machine before using them. They know how to break them so Cat tries to fix the issues. But that takes extra years of experimenting and releasing experimental models (the mines I worked at got to use experimental road graders and then they were destroyed after the fact). Imagine if the auto world did that. We would have many more years of unchanged things. The auto world moves to fast to give enough testing time other then small changes on current design while they try to come up with the next big change.
Sorry for the length. Had to vent on this one once. Every vehicle and tractor my family has had has had some form of issue either recall or warranty or common fail part.
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