[Vwdiesel] PROTHE on ebay??

Jason uberhare at gmail.com
Mon Sep 26 17:39:03 PDT 2011

There is enough suspect transactions floating around with this guy....why
risk your time or money.

Buyer beware.  eBay seems to protect sellers more than buyers these
 On 2011-09-26 8:17 PM, "Tony and Lillie" <tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net>
>> My problem was with the statement about how the Chinese didn't have
>> the capacity to do that well, or at least that's how I read it. I
>> quoted the sentence in my last reply that gave me that impression. As
>> individuals they are every bit as capable of decent work as the rest
>> of the world, with the proper training, of course. I think the
>> problems with Chinese things comes down to a lot of top-down things,
>> leading from the decisions their government has made over the years,
>> and the cheap manufacturing that they have encouraged as policy.
> I never made a statement of the sort. I simply stated my experiences with
> their poor quality prts in regards to our cars, and the cars I work on in
> general. I'm sure they are capable, everybody is. That is not the issue.
> Motivation is. It is quite obvious they are not motivated to do any
> At some point they will be, but that will have to be forced by the buying
> public. The less low quality things bought forces them to improve or give
> the profits they currently enjoy.
> Once again, this is just my opinion, experience, etc.
> Tony
> Oh, and Erik, I mean no disrespect either. This is enjoyable for me as
> I certainly enjoy a respectful discussion, as this freedom to do exactly
> that is one of the great things about this country!
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