[Vwdiesel] TDI weekend work-rear wiper

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Sat Apr 7 06:49:36 PDT 2012

If by "straight from the alternator", you mean excluding a battery, no.

If you mean "Can I hook the alternator up normally to a battery, and put the
load on the alternator terminal", yes with provisions.  As long as the load
does not exceed the alternator's continuous current output.  I tried this on
a stock car experimenting with an electric fan.  Running the alternator at
peak output for any length of time eventually gives a hot alternator- the +
terminal gets hot, and eventually melts the plastic insulator through the
alternator chassis. Under peak current, especially at lower rpm should be
fine in that respect.

Have a measure of your pulleys and calculate the speed of the alternator in
the original application- it will come out around 5-8000 rpm.  slow it down,
you get less current. PTO runs less than crank speed, around 8-900. The
little things really sing.



From: Travis Gottschalk [mailto:tgott at hotmail.com] 
Sent: April-07-12 7:03 AM
To: jhsg at sasktel.net
Subject: RE: [Vwdiesel] TDI weekend work-rear wiper


So the lights/heater addons can be ran straight from the alternator then?
The Yanmar has around 3500 RPM so I don't think speed is an issue.
Travis G

> From: jhsg at sasktel.net
> To: tgott at hotmail.com; vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Subject: RE: [Vwdiesel] TDI weekend work-rear wiper
> Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2012 00:16:17 -0600
> In your travels, look for a denso alternator. It should be around the same
> size as the one on your tractor, but around 55 amp.
> Keep shaft speed in mind when you mount the vw ones- it's pretty high. You
> can hook the excite wire to batt, yes but better to be switched.
> They will work fine being internally regulated, as long as they are
> well. they just look for the right voltage, and output enough to make up
> for shortfalls in voltage sensed.
> -j
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com] On
> Behalf Of Travis Gottschalk
> Sent: April-06-12 6:56 PM
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] TDI weekend work-rear wiper
> Well, I finally got around to installing the rear wiper fix for the rear
> wiper spray. My spray was following the wiper blade meaning it was on its
> way out. I bought the kit to fix which keeps your OEM motor. At first the
> things I had read stated it wasn't going to wipe the full 180 degrees. It
> does. They may have changed kits at one time so it does. Hardest part was
> getting the rear plastic off the hatch as they have some strong clips. It
> two screws and then you pull away from the hatch and they start poping. I
> don't think I would want to do when cold for fear of breaking the tabs.
> Putting the motor together was a little harder since you have more parts
> assemble then you do taking apart since some of the parts are froze
> on the old ones but all told not too hard. The gearing was a little tight
> and I was worried it may strip the plastic drive gear but it didn't. I had
> to re-aim the nozzle so to get higher on the window as well. Next oil
> I am putting the pa ssat oil cooler in. larger so when I am towing it
> should help with things better. I don't have an oil temp gauge and don't
> know how I could get one to work well but I figure it can't hurt. That and
> it will warm the oil up better as well. 
> Also added a CAT fuel filter to the rabbit car. I figured best to have a
> common filter and it filters better then OEM. The place that made the kit
> stopped making the filter head which was the only one that took the thermo
> T. Nicktane has a kit still that would work. I bought two used kits on
> tdiclub. One was someones spare and another I bought a nicktane kit in
> exchange. When I get the trucks injection pump sealed again (kind of
> sick of that as it will be my 4th-both parts place ones went bad in under
> 40K miles). Thats all the updates on the VW's. 
> Doing a lot of work on the JD 332 diesels this weekend as well.
> Electrically. Which reminds me for a question: I would like to add a spare
> alternator that I have for the rabbits that is in good shape on the 332
> driven from the rear PTO. The tractor has a 20 amp OEM and it can't be
> enlarged unless you remove the muffler and manifold so I am stuck there. I
> was thinking for winter use when I get a cab and lights and possibly a cab
> heater. The front PTO drives the blower and the rear pto could drive the
> alternator. The pto clutches are electromagnetic so the light on the
> (3 fronts 2 rears), the PTO's and the charging would be as much as the
> tractor alt could handle. So how would I hook the alt up. I don't want to
> burn anything up. I know the VW alt requires 12 volts to excite it. So do
> hook the exciter wire to the battery (or even the PTO wire) and then the
> power wires can they be hooked up straight to the lights? And does it just
> ground through the tractor with both al ternators and will they compete?
> would I have to hook the alt up to the battery on the power cables and run
> the lights from a switch through the battery power. I have seen one other
> person run an alternator on the rear pto but I am just making sure I don't
> fry something. No rush as I still need a cab and that won't happen for a
> while. There-that question still involved a VW part on a diesel. 
> Travis G
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