[Vwdiesel] PTO driven Alt

Erik Lane eriklane at gmail.com
Sat Apr 7 15:39:10 PDT 2012

On my car when the alternator light starts to glow at idle it means
that either the belt has gotten loose, or I have a dirty connection in
the charging circuit. Every time once I fix that the light goes out
and stays out after starting once it's revved up a bit.

On Sat, Apr 7, 2012 at 3:09 PM, Travis Gottschalk <tgott at hotmail.com> wrote:
> So I need to have the exciter wire through a switched power and then have the main power cables to the lights I am running or to the battery and then to the lights again on a switched power? Forgot to mention that the Rear PTO is for a Hyd driven tiller which has a belt pulley on it for a v belt which then would drop down to the pump. That PTO is hooked straight through to the crank so the pulley is spinning the same RPM as the engine. The pulley is about 4-4.5 inch diameter. I don't know what the Alt pulley is but if it is smaller that would speed it up some. I know the alt light kind of glows a little when idling on the car/truck. Some interesting thoughts to ponder.
> Travis G
>> If by "straight from the alternator", you mean excluding a battery, no.
>> If you mean "Can I hook the alternator up normally to a battery, and put the
>> load on the alternator terminal", yes with provisions.  As long as the load
>> does not exceed the alternator's continuous current output.  I tried this on
>> a stock car experimenting with an electric fan.  Running the alternator at
>> peak output for any length of time eventually gives a hot alternator- the +
>> terminal gets hot, and eventually melts the plastic insulator through the
>> alternator chassis. Under peak current, especially at lower rpm should be
>> fine in that respect.
>> Have a measure of your pulleys and calculate the speed of the alternator in
>> the original application- it will come out around 5-8000 rpm.  slow it down,
>> you get less current. PTO runs less than crank speed, around 8-900. The
>> little things really sing.
>> -James
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