[Vwdiesel] forgot to put anti seize on my head bolts

William J Toensing toensing at wildblue.net
Fri Apr 20 07:23:40 PDT 2012

I am not an expert on this but I don't like head bolts, especially the 
torque to yield type. I would get ARP racing studs from Summit Racing where 
you can get them at a discount. They come with an anti-seize compound. My 
guess is if you do not remove or move the head you could save the old 
gasket. I recall reading  somewhere that it is a good idea to loosen the 
head bolts gradually in the opposite sequence as the manual tightening 
sequence calls for. I would then replace the head bolts with ARP racing 
studs one at a time, then retorque in the sequence the manual calls for, 
possibly in 20 pound increments until you reach the maximum torque called 
for. I am not an expert on this so if some of the experts disagree with me, 
follow their advice, not mine.
Bill Toensing
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <cosborn at epix.net>
To: "Andrew .Libby" <libbybapa at gmail.com>
Cc: "vwdiesel" <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2012 1:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] forgot to put anti seize on my head bolts

> Good !!!
> - I was following the directions in the Haynes manual and that is why I 
> didn't put any on them.  BUT - prior to my starting this project many 
> people have told me that I should put anti-seize because of problems they 
> have experienced and that is why I thought I did an ooops.
> Craig
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Andrew .Libby" <libbybapa at gmail.com>
> To: cosborn at epix.net
> Cc: "vwdiesel" <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
> Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2012 4:30:25 PM
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] forgot to put anti seize on my head bolts
> Darn good thing too. They aren't supposed to have anti-seize on them.
> On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 1:18 PM, < cosborn at epix.net > wrote:
> I just completed torquing down my head bolts to the next to last step in 
> the torquing sequence.
> (last two steps-- 1.fire up the engine to operating temp and do a quarter 
> turn and 2. drive 1000 miles and do another quarter turn)
> My problem is this -- I completely forgot to put anti-seize on the head 
> bolts. I did clean them with oil prior to inserting them, so they do have 
> a light coat of all purpose oil on the threads but that is all.
> How much of a problem might this cause me in the future?
> I don't want to disassemble everything , but I thought that maybe I could 
> order a new set of head bolts and remove one at a time replacing them with 
> a new bolt coated with anti-seize and torque them down one at a time to 
> the first step in the torquing sequence.
> If I do it this way, I thought that maybe the head gasket would not be 
> disturbed and and would be less likely to leak.
> OR
> should I just forget about it and worry about it at the next tear down?
> Craig Osborn
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