[Vwdiesel] '02 Golf TDI 240,000
lbaird119 at aol.com
lbaird119 at aol.com
Thu Aug 16 22:46:15 PDT 2012
Sounds like you could probably use a set of injectors. Should up your mileage, probably fix that puff of smoke and if you don't go with upsized nozzles, you'll lose power (per James, makes sense).
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Cook <davevw at yahoo.com>
To: tdi <VW-TDI at yahoogroups.com>; VW Diesel Group <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Thu, Aug 16, 2012 3:33 pm
Subject: [Vwdiesel] '02 Golf TDI 240,000
That mileage milestone is approaching. (current odo reading is 238001.) I
ought it in late January with 226,000 ish showing.
plan to do the timing belt and clean the intake manifold at that time along
ith an oil change. When I bought the car in January the seller said that it
as a fairly recent timing belt, but I don't know for sure how recent. I chose
hat benchmark since it'll be somewhat easy to remember.
hat else should I consider doing at this point? It didn't come with a lot of
aintenance history, unfortunately. However, there aren't any real issues that
re totally apparent either other than a couple things to also check:
*There is sometimes a bit of a pulsing in the braking sometimes. I bought
pacer rings for the aftermarket rims which helped this quite a bit but still
here is some pulsing. The brakes (pads and rotors) were new when I bought the
ar. Sometimes when they get warm there is a squeaking. I bet that they were
robably less expensive brands.
*There is a chirping when at idle. I suspect the serpentine belt tensioner.
*A puff of smoke at start up when it has been sitting awhile. It was suggested
hat it could be oil leaking past valve seals, though I think it looks more
lack/fuel related rather than blue-ish. I think I've added about 1 quart since
hanging the oil at 230,000.
*Average mileage since keeping track with an app on my phone in May (Fuel Log)
s 39.03, with a high of 43.5 and a low of 34.5. This is a little lower than
'd like.
*No check engine lights since purchase. (Obviously this is not an issue, but a
ood thing!)
So, looking for suggestions of things to consider doing along with this
ood-sized maintanence package. Especially things that would help with
ave Cook
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