[Vwdiesel] 04 TDI Golf intake issues on trip

Travis . tgott at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 20 15:07:17 PDT 2012

I started to dig into it. I thought I had found it when I went to reach for the EGR block off plate I noticed the EGT sensor was loose. So I tightened that up and it was still there. I unhooked the vac to the turbo and it didn't make the sound. I pulled the rubber hose off the intake manifold and held my hand over it. I pulled the TIP (turbo inlet pipe) and looked at the turbo. Everything seemed find (I did see the turbo spinning at idle and see that it does spin a few seconds after turning off. I even found my CV boot starting to rip on the narrow spot a little but still no leaks. Hooked thinkings up somewhat and started spraying soapy water. My EGR valve blockoff was bubbling so I thought that could be in. I put a gasket under there-still sound. I managed to get a mirror up behind the turbo from the under side and a soapy sponge with my other hand and had my friend rev up as I put it near the EGT sensor. Well-it is right next to the EGR block off plate and there wasn't bubbles-it just blew it all away. Found it. 

I took the plate off -aluminum- and put a straight edge on it and you could see it was pushed out a little. It has a two piece metal gasket and you could see exhaust between the plate and the gasket. I put some high temp silicone on and flipped the plate. Noise stopped. I would have thought I would have seen more black soot with an exhaust leak but there wasn't any. I even ran my hand around that plate this morning and didn't come back with any black on my hand so I didn't look there. I also looked for any oil leaks on the pressurized part of the intake as that was a tip I read. There is some oil leaking on one connection-but not enough to make the sound I found out. 

So-live is good. I had my breakdown that didn't strand me on my trip so I can relax and enjoy now. In other news. It is amazing the bolt on space you can put on these. I have around an 8 cubic foot rear carrier in my 2 inch reciever hitch and a 21 cubic foot top carrier with two kids, wife and dog. Dog got the whole rear for food, pillow and water. The top even got the double stroller fit into it. Now-if we could only speed the traveling up when we are on the road. One stops for bathrooom breaks I swear every exit and the other one is hungry and needs mom to feed her a lot as she isn't on a bottle yet nor will she take one. 

Thanks for the tips and help everyone. Let the vacation begin again.
Travis-in WY for the week. 

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