[Vwdiesel] vacuum pump

lbaird119 at aol.com lbaird119 at aol.com
Sun Dec 2 23:56:44 PST 2012

  10 Months isn't bad for a "bad rebuild."  Sometimes it's the diaphragm but slow, careful assembly can make all the difference in the world.  As Andrew said, you need to make sure the diaphragm is in the lifted positon when you tighten down the cover screws.  When you tighten down the diaphragm retaining nut, be sure the diaphragm's not twisted and ends up lining up with the holes for the cover bolts.  I rarely needed to do any of the valves so usually just bought a diaphram kit.  
  It's kind of like glow plugs, some last months, others last years but I found that really taking time on reassembly made the diaphragms last much longer.  :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Alexander <salex at dsl.cis.upenn.edu>
To: vwdiesel <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Sun, Dec 2, 2012 7:47 pm
Subject: [Vwdiesel] vacuum pump

Just got my '82 Rabbit Diesel back from the mechanic who did the valves.  It's 
mazing how much that's improved things.
However, within a day of getting it back, I think I've had the vacuum pump go 
ad again.  Yesterday I had power brakes on the first press and had to really 
tand on the pedal if I wanted to brake again in quick succession.  Today, I'm 
tanding on the pedal every time I want to stop.  I need to get a moment to do a 
ore thorough job of checking to make sure that there's not a leak somewhere, 
ut a quick check didn't show any loose hoses.
Assuming it's the diaphragm yet again, this one last only about 10 months.  
iven that, I'm wondering if there's a better answer.  Is there a source for 
iaphragms that hold up?  Alternatively, is there some sort of conversion that's 
ore durable, perhaps to an electric pump?  Obviously, this isn't one of the 
ardest repairs to perform, but I also hate that sense of surprise when the 
rakes don't work the way that I expect.
cott Alexander
arren, NJ
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