[Vwdiesel] Wiring a VW alt in tandem with another
Travis .
tgott at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 4 07:47:33 PST 2012
I think I am understanding better then. So I will hook the D+ to the PTO power. The PTO uses an electric magnet to attract the clutch and start the spinning so without power it doesn't spin. I at this point could put the light inbetween just to make sure it is working as the light shouldn't turn on if the line isn't drawing power from either side even though it will be connected off the PTO line which will use power. Then I will hook the B+ straight to the battery and then the power from the cab hook to the battery as well. And also run the cab in parrallel with the tractors alternator and battery? Would that hurt anything. Having both PTO's on the tractor-it won't allow for much charging of the battery which is why I want them in parrallel. At the same time-I don't want to fry the expensive Voltage regulator on the tractor, the VW alt and the two batteries. The tractor alt tends to like to charge right at 15 volts which is common on the JD 332. Keep the comments coming. I figure it can work on this forum since it is a VW battery and alternator and the JD tractor is diesel-and my rabbits are parked for salt season.
To: tgott at hotmail.com; eriklane at gmail.com
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Wiring a VW alt in tandem with another
From: lbaird119 at aol.com
CC: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2012 02:10:32 -0500
Sounds like you could. The field needs a little power to excite it until it starts turning and becomes self excited (that's what the bulb's for). It only needs power when it starts running and yes, as you surmised, once it starts generating, the light goes out because it's not using power (nor sending any back through that D+ wire).
Thus the D+ wire will need to go to switched power and the B+ to the battery. You must have a battery to an alt. Not sure if it's to smooth out the AC ripple like with an inverter or if it's to make the regulator work properly but I've always been told "you'll burn up an alt without a battery, unlike a generator".
-----Original Message-----
From: Travis . <tgott at hotmail.com>
To: eriklane <eriklane at gmail.com>
Cc: vwdiesel <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Mon, Dec 3, 2012 9:11 pm
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Wiring a VW alt in tandem with another
So if the light is on-then the alt either isn't working or isn't spinning but if
the light goes off the wire that does the exciting no longer draws electricity
and the light goes out? The VW alt will be running from the rear PTO which is
ran through a separate switched power source to turn the PTO on. Could I just
tap into that as the alt wouldn't be turning unless the PTO is also energized?
> Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2012 20:44:39 -0800
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Wiring a VW alt in tandem with another
> From: eriklane at gmail.com
> To: tgott at hotmail.com
> CC: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> At least have the wire go through a little automotive light bulb. This
> works as an 'idiot light' to tell you when it's working properly, and
> also limits the current to the field while you're first starting up.
> It's nice to keep it down some until the regulator has taken over and
> is controlling the power output from the alternator. I would just hook
> it up to the key switch so it was on whenever the engine was on, just
> like how it's wired in a car. Dead simple, and it does a great job.
> Erik
> On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 8:37 PM, Travis . <tgott at hotmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I almost have my JD L&G tractor wired up to run my VW alternator off the
rear PTO (front PTO drives the snow blower). My question is on the exciter
wire-does it need to have a diode on it or can it just be a switched power
source that can be turned on and left on while running, or should it be a
momentary switch to excite it and then turn off? I am pretty sure the rest
should be easy just having the two alternators and batteries in parallel. The
tractor alt has just enough power to run the PTO's and other functions to keep
the tractor running so the VW alt is for the addition of the cab and its
functions (wiper, heater, fan, lights, etc). I will have another battery in a
ballast box behind the tractor (go figure-a vw rabbit battery).
> >
> > So-diode, momentary switch or just on/off switch for the the exciter wire.
> >
> > Travis
> >
> >
> >
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