[Vwdiesel] Tickets and Rear wiper spray-TDI-repair

Travis Gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 7 08:37:17 PST 2012

Had a couple tickets myself. One one in the state that I was actually living in. I had one that I was going 2 over on a 75 MPH zone going down a hill. The ticket cost $20. The insurance price also cost more then that a month (under 21-in college, not married, ticket in North Dakota with Minnesota car). Didn't thing it was worth a trip to the middle of ND to fight it untill it was too late to see my insurance. MN wouldn't have docked my insurance but the rules in ND do for that little over. Wyoming two of us did get pulled over. Washington I was in the red rabbit (back when I had the defective radiator and 1.6 na in there). I was crawling up the one side of the MTS but flying down the other side-wrong idea. Guess where the cop was. MO the cop said I looked tired so there for was dangerous and hence the ticket even though I still drove off-was late at night. 
New fix I need to do. Seems my rear wiper spray nozzle turns with the wiper. A sign that it will soon break off the insides during use and fill my hatch rather then spray the glass. It just started doing this a couple months ago but I didn't realize that was an issue till cruizing the TDIclub site (not all bad yet, nice thing about reading is you can ignor the crap). So looks like it will be an $84 fix for individual parts or a little over $100 for the whole motor. And the new one doesn't wipe the full 180 degrees but rather 150 as I have read. That sucks but better then nothing. And the hard part is I have to buy the kit just to take things apart with the gaskets, orings, nozzle, shaftes, etc so I don't think I can poor man job this one and I like to do things right. 
Side note-on my $480 dodge I bought as a town beater for my wife (last tank 6.03 mpg) I figured out how to get the drivers window down. Just need to push down on the switch more as you flip it forward/back. So now she can go to a drive up window on that side (other side worked ok). I have about $300 in it to get it safely running with the tie rod and axle seal issues I bought it with. 
Travis G 		 	   		  

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