[Vwdiesel] Silicone Brake Fluid

Travis Gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 14 09:06:44 PST 2012

The DOT5 doesn't stop all water from entering your brake system. The Harleys have DOT 5 on them-and only get used during summer use. Brothers 97 Sportster HD locked up the rear brake from use in heavy traffic it boiled the water at the caliper and clamped down and wouldn't release due to the rust. One way or another brake fluid isn't life time and should be changed. If you have an open container chances are it already has water in it as well. The brake fluid isn't meant for lubricating either but high heat and compressing. It doesn't do well on other rubber and painted surfaces. Brother and I split tabs for a motive brake bleeder once we bought our TDI's and ever couple years like the manual states we change the fluid. Best to rotate through colors to see if you have fresh fluid. I tend to leave what is stated on the cap in the system as I don't want to replace the whole system. So the rabbits get the DOT3, the TDI get DOT4 and the Harleys DOT5. Kind of sucks having so many types but I don't mess with safety items such as brakes and tires so I get the best I can and stick to what those were designed for. Which also means the 91H tire rating on the TDI not the 89T that some places like to slip an unknowing customer like my father and brother till I told them. 

There-no epa on this part.

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