[Vwdiesel] tdi heat

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Thu Jan 5 22:16:57 PST 2012

Yep, that is how I test mine:

Just don't leave the charger connected too long.  A jumper cable off the battery will work 
as well.

On 1/5/2012 8:57 PM, James Hansen wrote:
> TDI heat.
> lol, good one.
> Seriously, to check plugs, use a small old school battery charger with an
> analog gauge on the front.  Disconnect the plug, and run current through the
> plug.  The meter on front will tell you what's up for current, and compare
> with the others to find dead ones.   Failing that, use your digital current
> meter, and put a small plug in the wall power supply in series with it.  Run
> this through the plug, read current, and compare.  I have found an ohmmeter
> to be mostly useless to check glow plugs.
> You need heat...
> cardboard the rad over until the electric fan runs continuously, then take a
> bit off, like a strip at the top an inch at a time.  Only way man.  They
> just don't make any heat.
> at -40, the rad can be closed off, and the temp gauge drops when you hit the
> city and stop at a light just from the heater core. Gotta pay attention with
> this setup, but it does work.
> Trick is you're keeping the cold rush of air off the motor, which vacuums
> most of the heat away when it's cold.  Can try a storm front like a big
> truck would use, BTDT, works okay, and less risky than covering the rad
> core.  You can cover at least half the rad core with no worries at all
> unless you pull some big mountain pass every day.
> -james



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