[Vwdiesel] Frost heater

Dave Cook davevw at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 19 11:21:33 PST 2012

Not sure how it compares to a plug heater exactly, but my friend's 01 Jetta has one.  I've been driving the car the past couple days and have been using the heater.  When I start the car in the morning, the temp gauge goes immediately to 190, but then drops to about halfway between the white zone and 190.

I imagine the thing is getting it warm enough to open the thermostat, but the coolant isn't cycling through it.  So then when the car is started, the coolant flows from the cold radiator into the engine, cooling it until the thermostat closes again. 

However, it still works well for getting the engine to operating temps pretty quickly, much more so than without. (Worst part is how I have to get in and drive a few miles several times a day for work appointments, and each time the engine cools off and doesn't get warm until I'm there, if it ever does.)  Also would be a lot easier to install than a plug heater, with no crawling around underneath or anything of that sort.

FWIW, it is currently 22 outside, and last nights low was about 9.

Dave Cook

 From: Justin Bennett <lug1970 at yahoo.com>
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com 
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 11:37 AM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Frost heater
The freeze plug heater on my 98 tdi Jetta died this week and it is a tad bit chilly up here in Los Anchorage.  Has anyone used the Frost Heater and how did it compare to a freeze plug heater?  

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