[Vwdiesel] rabbit head

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Sun Jan 22 21:53:10 PST 2012

Short answer, probably.
No harm in trying it, but when you start the car, have the top belt guard
off, and look at it.  If it runs off, the bushing is killed, and will
probably eventually leak, as the seal usually follows the bushing in time.
Also listen, you can hear when the belt is tight, it whines usually.  IF it
runs true, inspect frequently for a while, and if okay, great!

-----Original Message-----
From: peter blake [mailto:pila47 at yahoo.com] 
Sent: January-22-12 11:31 PM
To: James Hansen
Cc: diesel
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] rabbit head

  That makes total sense to me. What bothers me is that one
of my friends, a long time vw mechanic, insisted that I had set
the timing belt too loose. Sooooo, I let him snug it up more
than I had originally set it. I should have trusted my own
judgement it seems.  One question, does the pump now need to
be rebuilt?  I'm probably not going to mess w that engine much
anymore anyways.  I'm trying to get my hands on a 1.9td as I
type.  Hopefully, there will be one heading my way shortly.

--- On Sun, 1/22/12, James Hansen <jhsg at sasktel.net> wrote:

> From: James Hansen <jhsg at sasktel.net>
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] rabbit head
> To: "'diesel'" <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
> Date: Sunday, January 22, 2012, 9:23 PM
> Sorry to hear of this Peter.
> Probably too tight a belt, you get wear on the injection
> pump input shaft
> bushing, and it pushes the belt off as the pulley tips.
> Belt should be final tight when cold so that you can still
> slide the belt
> back and forth on the grooves of the cam sprocket. 
> Since the motor grows
> taller when it heats up, you set this cold.  If you
> can't slide the belt
> around at all on the cam sprocket, it's too tight. 
> The new tensioners are
> spring loaded, but the old ones, you have to do it just
> so.
> Other reason is the injection pump bracket might be loose,
> or loose bolts
> holding the pump, particularly the one closest to the
> injector pipes.
> You should be able to make one head out of the two, but
> that was a pretty
> hard tap dance.  As long as the lifter bores are still
> good, you should be
> okay and just swap parts.  I would be tempted to renew
> the exhaust valves,
> as they get the hardest life.
> -james
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com
> [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com]
> On
> Behalf Of peter blake
> Sent: January-22-12 10:59 PM
> To: diesel
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] rabbit head
>   So I now know what happens when the timing belt
> jumps a tooth 
> or two.  The exhaust valves did a tap dance on the
> pistons and
> managed to snap the cam at the no. 1 cylinder.  
>   The real question is why my new belt walked off the
> pulley and
> self machined against the cover.  When I pulled the
> cover off the
> belt was about 1/2" wide and loose. I haven't investigated
> further.
>   I cleaned the top of the block and the bottom of the
> head and
> tried to slip in a .003" feeler gauge and couldn't. 
> So I'm hoping
> it is still flat enuf to be usable.  
>   My plan now is to take the head off the Jetta, which
> has the burnt
> out injector hole and remove the valves followers and
> camshaft and
> use them in the rabbit head.  And then put that head
> on the Jetta so
> that I have at least one functional vehicle.
>   A couple of problems I have r removing two of the
> followers from
> the head.  The valves punched up far enuf to put a
> crown in the face
> of the follower.  The other problem is whether or not
> I can even use
> the valves at all. I'm hoping to just lap them in and be
> done with it.
> Any thots as to why the belt would walk off the pulleys and
> then 
> stretch?  New belt new water pump and new tensioner,
> why wouldn't
> it track straight?  
> Peter
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