[Vwdiesel] A/C Update

lbaird119 at aol.com lbaird119 at aol.com
Thu Jul 26 23:28:30 PDT 2012

Now dealing with two low/no a/c TDI's.  :-P  Dad's '02 Golf has had marginal a/c lately.  Finally got the adapters borrowed again so checked pressures.  Could only get the low side to connect, the high one wouldn't stay down far enough to read and not leak.  :-P  Started out with about 95 psi with 75+ F ambient.  Started it and it pulled down to 45 then worked down to below 35 psi.  Fast idle made little difference.  I ended up adding about a can of 134a.  Low side stayed the same or actually went down a little.  Heat coming off the condenser felt more normal about 2/3 of the way through the can.  I hate not being able to see both sides of the pressures!

  Then I checked the Passat.  It's way undercharged with only about 12 oz. yet pressures were about 85psi.  Started it up and pressure bounced down to about 60psi.  Oddly the high side did similar.  It then just sat there steady.  Sure looks like a bad compressor  (never had one before).  Anybody have a good, used one sitting around?  Part number 1H0820803D.  David Cook?  :-)  Anybody have a cheap wrecking yard nearby?  I sure don't anymore.  :-P

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