[Vwdiesel] Caddy brakes

Tad tadc at europa.com
Wed Jun 13 09:46:08 PDT 2012

Erik, this sounds like the same issue I had on my Audi... the clutch would
get soft and not come all the way up; I'd have to pump the pedal/pull up on
it with my foot in order to disengage the clutch enough to shift... or at
least get in/out of 1st. :)

It happened as I was leaving for a 5 hour drive and I was okay until I
encountered stop-and-go traffic!

This was the issue I mentioned before where I had to replace the clutch
master twice.

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 11:18 PM, Erik Lane <eriklane at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sorry that I wasn't clearer earlier. The clutch gets really soft. You
> can pump it up and it will work a little, but it gets hard to shift
> when it's soft. I can bleed it and everything is good for at least a
> few weeks, I think. At least it took her a couple months before she
> complained to me about it. I worked on it a couple weeks ago to bleed
> the system again, and as far as I know it's still good. I'm just
> worried that the problem will come back again. At that point I will be
> living up there so I'll have better access to the car and I can look
> really carefully and see if there's anything loose. That's still my
> main suspicion, I was just hoping that someone would recognize the
> symptoms and be able to diagnose it from just that.
> >   Don't know if it's a "something else" but a trick I learned
> >
> > from working on an MB...  The only way to properly bleed it is
> >
> > to connect a piece of hose from a front caliper bleeder to the clutch
> slave
> > bleeder.  Open
> >
> > the clutch bleeder.   Have someone pump the brake pedal.  When they go
> down,
> > open the
> >
> > caliper bleeder.  Up? Close it.   Repeat until no bubbles in the clutch
> > master.  It was the ONLY
> >
> > way to get a clutch after we replaced either the master or slave, don't
> > recall which.
> >
> >      Loren
> So, just to make sure I'm understanding this correctly, you basically
> are using the fluid from the brake master to push backwards through
> the entire clutch system until the clutch master cylinder is bled?
> That sure sounds like a roundabout way to do it, but if nothing else
> works, and that does then I guess you do what you have to! Please
> correct me if I'm understanding it wrong, but it sounds to me like it
> doesn't apply, since I'm able to get a good clutch pedal that lasts
> for at least a couple weeks if not months before the problem shows up
> again. (As long as it's still working now and hasn't gotten worse.
> It's hard to know since I don't get a chance to talk to her all that
> often, and when we do it's usually other things that we talk about.)
> Thanks everyone!
> Erik
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