[Vwdiesel] An off-topic, but Diesel question (fwd)

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Wed Jun 20 09:47:02 PDT 2012

I almost had that happen in my 4x4.  It uses a secondary winding on the fuel pump relay to 
turn on the electric fuel pump while cranking the engine over.  Then once the engine 
catches, the air flow meter has a contact that closes and keeps the pump running.  Mine 
had quit working one summer.  Luckily the factory provided a test jumper where you can 
turn the pump on and off with the ignition power.  I hard wired that jumper for a while, 
then thought what a brilliant anti-theft feature, just run a hidden switch to that test 
jumper.  I did that and the once "broken" relay winding started working again and has been 
ever since.  So I was happy the problem was fixed, but bummed that my cool anti-theft 
feature did not work.  I did leave the switch installed in the engine bay just in case the 
relay starts acting up again:

On 6/20/2012 9:28 AM, Frank G. Pival wrote:
> My ignition switch also stopped allowing me to start my 96 Passat TDI so
> I installed a momentary push button on the dash..these creative
> go-arounds ARE great anti-theft deterrents.



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