[Vwdiesel] Nice to be back on the road

Stephen Kraus ub3ratl4sf00 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 22 12:39:47 PDT 2012

I recently had an issue with my TDI, turns out the MAF sensor went bad and
cut all power to the engine. Took off the tube going from the turbo intake
to the MAF, tada, TONS of power.

I love my TDI, so easy to fix and diagnose, better economy than the Prius,
and tons more fun.

On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 10:42 AM, Frank G. Pival <hold at drizzle.com> wrote:

> Steve,
> You summed it up perfectly with your statement..
> *"I get in my car is almost as good as the Prius
> that I park next to at work everyday and_costs a 20th as much"_*
> PLUS it is now gaining in value as a collectable to someone in the
> future..Good job
> I have done this now with 2 Diesel's a 81 caddy and 82 Westy...
> Both are still in service.
> Frank
> On 6/22/2012 1:03 AM, steve boser wrote:
>> I get in my car is almost as good as the Prius
>> that I park next to at work everyday and costs a 20th as much
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