[Vwdiesel] Still working on the '01 Jetta-axle question

Dave Cook davevw at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 25 10:03:09 PDT 2012

Well, I can't pull the joint off the axle, and I was never jerking on the joint to get the axle out, so I think it is fine.  I think the triple roller design just moves more than CVs that I'm used to messing with.

That and the boot clamp seems to be missing for the axle side of the inboard joint, so there was no resistance from the boot to keep it from stretching, so it appeared worse.

I think if I get a clamp on there, it'll be just fine.

Dave Cook

 From: Tony and Lillie <tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net>
To: Dave Cook <davevw at yahoo.com>; VW Diesel Group <vwdiesel at vwfans.com> 
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2012 10:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Still working on the '01 Jetta-axle question
It has three roller bearings, and those roll along in the groves inside. So, no, you haven't damaged it, unless it feels like the tripod part is loose inside the boot, and the end is completely flopping around. As in, only the boot is holding it from coming off, and it can go over 90 degrees form the axle itself.

Otherwise, it is functioning as normal. Generally, the VAG ones will not come apart like that, which is quite unlike the Asian cars.

The circlip does hold the inner joint on there, and I seriously doubt you knocked it off.

You do generally damage the cover to get it off, and it will more than likely not be reusable.


----- Original Message ----- Subject: [Vwdiesel] Still working on the '01 Jetta-axle question

Working on the darn '01 Jetta.

Somehow, the triple roller joint (akin to a CV joint) that is on the
inside of the axle, mounted to the transmission, came loose when I was
struggling to remove the axle the other day. Meaning, I can feel it
slide loosely on the axle now that the axle is on the ground. If I
pulled it far enough, it would come off the axle, I'm sure but I haven't
pulled it all the way off.

When the thing is all bolted to the car, is it necessary for it to be
locked onto the axle? It kinda seems like being bolted on each end
would hold things together.

Bentley does show a circlip holding the joint to the axle, I'm sure that
in the trying to get things loose, the clip popped off the joint. 

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