[Vwdiesel] Fwd: brakes (try again)

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun Mar 25 08:57:46 PDT 2012

In a message dated 3/25/2012 12:54:48 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
tomcat5 at tomsvw.com writes:

Again,  this is directly related to a misaligned brake light switch.  The 
spring  return is sufficiently strong to get the pedal back to where it 
belongs if  there is nothing blocking it.  But... ...if the brake light switch is 
 misaligned or sticking, then the pedal fails to return to the proper 
position  and remains slightly on.  I learned the hard way the switch was the  
problem AFTER replacing the master cylinder, replacing the vacuum booster, and 
 replacing the pushrod that runs from the brake pedal to the vacuum  
booster.  It was none of those things, and even after doing all the work  
associated with replacing the brake parts, the pedal still stuck and had to be  
pulled back with my toe to stop dragging and to turn the brake light  off.

Replacing and properly seating the new brake light switch cured  the 

The brake light switch is on the driver's side of the  bracket that holds 
the pedal in place. Click on this link for pictures of the  switch and how to 
properly replace/reset it:

Tom  Krummell
Roseville, CA

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