[Vwdiesel] glow plug indicator light

Chris Geiser cfgeiser at gmail.com
Fri Mar 30 10:43:20 PDT 2012

Check the big fuse on the firewall for the glow plugs?

**sent with mobile device
 On Mar 30, 2012 12:16 PM, "Marvin Jansen" <marvinjansen50 at gmail.com> wrote:

> My glow plug indicator light is staying on for a long time.  It has been
> blinking and that is the water indicator I know.  I pulled the relay #12
> with a "60" on it (it's a 1991 Jetta Eco Diesel) and cleaned the points
> with no change.  I checked voltage at the wire to the glow plugs and no
> voltage even when the light is on.  Any suggestions?
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