[Vwdiesel] Cinco De Mayo

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Sun May 6 08:52:38 PDT 2012

I imagine that is an issue but these days you have plug-in electrics and now the push to 
home CNG filling stations for CNG fueled vehicles.  Wonder how they are assessing road tax 
on those vehicles?  I know when I used to run a vehicle on propane, I had to buy from 
propane "motor fuel" stations, although some times you could fill up at a regular bottle 
gas place.  Problem there was the motor fuel was less expensive than the bottle gas even 
with the road tax added, since you were paying bulk vs. retail+sales tax pricing.

On 5/6/2012 6:28 AM, mikitka wrote:
> Sounds like a plan Brian. Just curious as to the weight of the trailer with
> all that WVO on it?  Plus don't advertise, I have heard that those that
> boast that they are running on free WVO have had some issues with DOT and
> getting fined for not paying road tax. I guess it just depends on the DOT
> person and their mood for the day.  One was a Mercades owner that went to a
> NASCAR event with stickers all over his vehicle claiming to be running for
> free on WVO. DOT was there checking all the big rigs for running on off road
> diesel and saw him and fined him. Of course this is rumor that I heard and
> might not be true but you just never know.
> Nick



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