[Vwdiesel] Think I can tow my boat with my golf? revisit

Dave Cook davevw at yahoo.com
Mon May 14 15:33:21 PDT 2012

Sorry for all the questions, but I have another or two.

First, any reason I couldn't buy 2x2x1/4 square tubing along with my angle iron, and a receiver for the ball mount, and weld it together?  (Instead of finding some kind of hidden hitch thing that is the right length.)

Second, assuming I decide to not totally build it and buy a premade hitch to weld to the angle iron, I have been thinking about getting one from a salvage yard.  Figure it would be cheaper than getting a brand new something I am going to hack up.  I found one on an older Patfinder that has one wide enough to work on the Golf, but the size for the ballmount is 1 1/4 instead of 2 inch.  The sticker said it was rated for 350/3500 however, which is more than the crazy limit for towing with the Golf, I'd say.  Any reason not to get that one for $50?  

I did find one on craigslist pulled off a Blazer that looks like it could be wide enough, that is a 2 inch hitch.  We'll see when he measures it.  If it is wide enough I'll go for that.

Dave Cook

 From: Travis Gottschalk <tgott at hotmail.com>
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com 
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Think I can tow my boat with my golf?

Yes, the part going into the car is 2 X 2 X 1/4 angle iron. The rest is build around that.                            
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