[Vwdiesel] Think I can tow my boat with my Golf?

William J Toensing toensing at wildblue.net
Wed May 16 07:34:48 PDT 2012

At age 79 & an 82 year old wife, it is not practical for me but if I was 20 years or more younger I would jump at it. What is IT? It is a combination tent & utility trailer that can be pulled by a compact. It sells for $2400 delivered, some assembly required. Who is selling it? Costco on line. As a utility trailer it can haul a small boat, canoe, motorcycle, or ? Just read it a few minutes ago on the Costco online notice I routinely receive. If interested go check it out at www.costco.com.
Bill Toensing, Nevada City, CA. 

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