[Vwdiesel] Smooshed Golf Update-Insurance Hassle Stage Has Begun
Dave Cook
davevw at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 14 06:11:01 PST 2012
I sent an email to the insurance agent about the taxes, etc and salvage value and laws in Kansas.
He stated that their company (American Family) pays for the taxes as a part of the settlement no matter what, but that they do it as a customer service thing, not because they are compelled by law. So USAA doesn't have to pay that if they don't want to.
And, as far as salvage, in Kansas there is no prescribed percentage or anything like that. AmFam does what I think USAA did, and contacts several salvage yards to get bids based on the car and it's condition.
He had someone from AmFam come up with what their offer would be for both settlement and salvage if they were the company doing the paying. The salvage value was right in line with what USAA said (about $1400). Looking at what TDI motors sell for, this really doesn't seem out of line, though I wish it were less, for sure.
The offer for the value of the car was actually a lot lower than USAA's, but they also didn't come do anything like come and assess the condition (mine was in nice shape) or see exactly what options it had (such as heated seats, etc) so that number is less applicable.
As frustrating as it is, I think I would rather decide that I like the offer(s) rather than have someone else deciding if they are fair or not.
Dave Cook
From: Erik Lane <eriklane at gmail.com>
To: Dave Cook <davevw at yahoo.com>
Cc: VW Diesel Group <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 8:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Smooshed Golf Update-Insurance Hassle Stage Has Begun
Back when I was hit, I sent my insurance agent after theirs, and he
really took care of it. A week or two later they gave me a check
without any more fuss on my part.
Good luck!
On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 9:02 PM, Dave Cook <davevw at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Good points, I have been dealing with USAA, the company insuring the person who hit me. I think most companies like to try to sleaze their way out of paying!
> I did submit some ads for cars for sale late Thursday afternoon but haven't heard anything since then (but today was a holiday for them). Hopefully tomorrow I'll have a revised-up offer!
> I have a good relationship with my agent, so I will stop in and ask about if there are any similar rules in Kansas about the fees for title/tax, as well as sell back price. They told me the amount came from a quote from one of their yards that buys their salvage vehicles.
> Dave Cook
> ________________________________
> From: Stephen Sherman <spsherm at msn.com>
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 9:23 PM
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Smooshed Golf Update-Insurance Hassle Stage Has Begun
> Not sure how it works in your state, but in Colorado the ins co pays you for the title and tax regardless if you buy the totalled car back. If they total the car then they are admitting that the car is unfixable/undrivable so you need to find a replacement car. You are buying back the old one for parts.
> Sounds like your ins co is sleazing their way out. If they don't think you need to replace this vehicle then let them fix it. If they won't fix it, then it needs to be replaced and you will have taxes and title fees for the new one. Regardless if you want it for parts. They can't have it both ways.
> Also, most states have a set amount which the ins co must sell you back your totaled car; something like 5% of the amount they value it at. I'd check what that value is for your state and ask the ins co why they want more (if they do).
> When I have had to deal with Ins co before in similar situations, I dug up several recent sales records for similar TDIs. The ins co was willing to accept those as proof of higher retail value than their number and went with that value.
> Good Luck.
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