[Vwdiesel] cement

pmdolan1 at sasktel.net pmdolan1 at sasktel.net
Sat Dec 7 04:56:10 PST 2013

I don't know what plastic is involved, but if you go to a plumbing 
store, you will find cement intended for bonding ABS to PVC.  Might be 
worth a try.  Epoxy would be a more expensive, but 100% solution (JB 
Weld, 5 minute Epoxy, etc. - i.e. two tube of gel - the JB works better 
out of position, 4 minute when flat). 

On Sat, 7 Dec 2013 01:51:27 -0500 (EST), lbaird119 at aol.com wrote:

>   Might check with a body shop.  I know when Jake was repurposing an 
> Audi 5k intercooler, he had to find the correct stuff an and he found 
> all different kinds of two-part repair adhesives were out there.  You 
> just need to get the right one.  I'll bet there is and usually a body 
> shop is the most likely to have some or know.  Other than maybe a 
> body shop supply.  Of all the things we DON'T have around here, we 
> have TWO bodyshop/pait supply stores!
>    Loren
> -----Original Message-----
> From: peter blake <pila47 at yahoo.com>
> To: vwdiesel <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
> Cc: peter <blackhorserelay at hotmail.com>
> Sent: Fri, Dec 6, 2013 10:07 pm
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] cement
> Has anybody on the list had any success gluing or cementing the plastic
> hat comprises our filter box on mk1s or 2s?  I'd like to find a way 
> to combine
> ither some pvc or abs fittings and pipe w the airbox. I could use silicone I
> uppose and some screws and so on. But It would be so much cleaner to
> se the appropriate glue or cement. 
> eter
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