[Vwdiesel] Quiet around here

lbaird119 at aol.com lbaird119 at aol.com
Sat Dec 21 22:29:52 PST 2013

The Passat wagon's running terrible.  Smokes like an OLD Freightliner when cold.  Lots of unburned fuel, white smoke for about 4 to 5 minutes and of course it stinks.  Golf is surprisingly working just fine when it wasn't a couple weeks ago.  Stuttered and sputtered/surged for the first minute or two.  
  SAME tractor pukes white for 5 once the shot of ether is gone.  Runs smooth during those ether moments, then sputters a bit until a little warm (air cooled, Deutz or Deutze-like engine.  The Ford 4610 based also starts a little harder than it should and smokes for the first few as does the MF 245 but it's not used much lately.  The SAME could easily need timed since I had the pump(??) rebuilt this Spring.  It's just a 4x4 block that bolts onto the engine, runs off of 3 small cam lobes.  Different thing.
  There, not all is running well. :-)  Just busy.

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Decker <decker at toledotel.com>
To: 'vw fans' <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Sat, Dec 21, 2013 6:31 pm
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Quiet around here

Hi Folks; 
Must be all those little diesels are running strong!!!  No tales of woe on
he list lately. One thing I learned over the years is when the engine shows
ot shut it off now and all you usually have is a broken belt, busted water
ose or at the worst a blown head gasket. All of which are minor bothers if
ne shuts the engine of instantly and calls AAA. Drive on and it will
robably cost you a 1000 bucks or more  a mile. 
My 1990 VW Fox 2 dr wagon in which I installed a 1.6 turbo diesel and a 5
peed tranny was down for a while to get new struts front and rear. On my
ast trip east I did 7700 miles and by the end of the trip the rig was doing
he Fox trot over the bumps. The new struts make a huge difference.
I have a Snow Performance  water/methanol injection system which besides
dding power  and lowering EGT's it keeps the soot out of the chambers which
as a problem running alternative fuel out of my two tank system. 
Silver Fox
wdiesel mailing list
wdiesel at vwfans.com

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