[Vwdiesel] [TDI-conversion] Re: OT: Looking for a couple Mexican parts-Anyone down there?

Dave Cook davevw at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 11 18:02:43 PST 2013

This is what I thought, too, but it is incorrect.  ETKA actually shows two different shafts, and one is indeed the same number 
as the diesel Vanagon.  I presume the other part number is the one I 

I bolted the bellhousing onto my transmission. and the 
splines of the shaft don't even clear the throw out bearing guide 
sleeve.  I was told by a list member on a different list that it is 
about 1.5 inches longer than the aircooled one, and after bolting the 
bellhousing up, that seems about right.

The part number for the diesel Vanagon one is 091 311 105A, with a note that it is 287mm.

The other part number Mexico ETKA shows is 091 311 105C with no lenth note.  It does show a "greater than" chassis number, so that must have been when they went to the water cooled motors possibly.

Dave Cook

 From: Andrew .Libby <libbybapa at gmail.com>
To: Dave Cook <davevw at yahoo.com> 
Cc: Buskatiers Group <buskatiers at buskatiers.org>; tdi <VW-TDI at yahoogroups.com>; TDI-Conversion Group <TDI-conversion at yahoogroups.com>; i4 conversion <vanagons-with-vw-inline-4-cylinder-gas-engines at googlegroups.com>; VW Diesel Group <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>; Passats Group <passats at yahoogroups.com> 
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 5:46 PM
Subject: [TDI-conversion] Re: [Vwdiesel] OT: Looking for a couple Mexican parts-Anyone down there?

ETKA says it is the same part as the diesel vanagon input shaft which is somewhat available.  Also, the diesel vanagon input shaft is the same as the gas vanagon (very readily available) input shaft just with 11mm cut off the end of it.  According to ETKA, the input shaft in your stock '78 transaxle is the same as the gas vanagon one.  It seems there's no need to get it from Mexico.  Just trim yours and be done.  

On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 3:24 PM, Dave Cook <davevw at yahoo.com> wrote:

I'm working on converting my '78 Bus to a TDI motor.  I bought a kit from a guy in El Paso who helped me out by driving to a salvage yard in Mexico and shipping it up to me.
>However, I find I need the input shaft from the Mexican 1.8 l (not the newer 1.4 motor, or aircooled) watercooled bus.  This was missing, as well as one of the brackets for mounting it. 
>So, is there anyone out there who might be able to help me with either or both of these parts?
>Please send me a PM if you can lend me a hand!
>davevw at yahoo.com
>Dave Cook
>Vwdiesel mailing list
>Vwdiesel at vwfans.com

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