[Vwdiesel] winter adventure

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Wed Jan 9 11:28:09 PST 2013

I have some of the SCC Z-Chains for my 4Runner.  They are of the quick fit type and they 
really work well:

I've only used them one time and was able to put them on with both rear wheels buried to 
the axle in deep snow, got them on and snugged down without having to roll forward or back 
and I think I was wearing gloves the whole time:
When I put them on, we were on a "snow run" with my 4WD club, driving over deep snow:
I didn't actually need the chains for traction on my truck, but the other two trucks were 
stuck at the bottom of a steep hill that was getting icy with the sun going down.  I ended 
up strapping both trucks behind mine and pulled both up the hill shortly after that photo 
was taken.  Could have probably towed one at a time up the hill but it was getting cold 
and I didn't want to fool around with turning around a bunch of times on the narrow path 
we had made.  But I was really impressed with the ease of install on those chains and the 
traction with the zig-zag pattern.

On 1/9/2013 11:08 AM, Tad wrote:
> I can attest to the plastic Thermo-T cracking and causing mysterious
> issues.  Also the o-rings can leak air, but overall it's nice to have the
> extra heat.
> Re: chains, if you actually plan to use them (vs. emergency backup), I'd
> suggest investing the extra $ in one of the new quick-fit designs that are
> MUCH easier to install and adjust (not to mention more durable) than the
> cheapo cable chains.  I've struggled, drew blood, damaged bodywork with and
> broke/lost on the road those crappy cable chains for the last time.



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