[Vwdiesel] bad brakes on 2001 Jetta

Tad tadc at europa.com
Sun Jul 7 13:29:53 PDT 2013

I think the trick is just don't stand on the pedal when it gets to the
bottom.  *Gently* push it down pretty much all the way and call it good. :)

Re: the pedal getting hard after repeated stomps - this may indicate a
vacuum leak going to the booster.  This is very common on these vintages -
the weird rigid plastic pipe they use tends to split and leak over time.
 Mine wasn't at all evident until I took it off.

I replaced it with a standard rubber coolant hose, which some have said is
a bad idea as it may collapse under vacuum.  Mine hasn't after many years,
although I suspect it does get somewhat "restricted" as I can exhaust the
booster vacuum supply in 4 or 5 rapid stomps, but the boost comes back
almost instantly.

One thing not clear in the OP: after bleeding the brake line, Rolf said it
was worse, but it's not clear if the original 2" of travel behavior was
still there or not.

On Sun, Jul 7, 2013 at 1:02 PM, Travis . <tgott at hotmail.com> wrote:

> I think you can bleed the brakes without issue by pedel pumping. The
> clutch is a different story from what I read. Brother and I didn't take the
> chance. We bought a motive brake bleeder. Turns a 2 person job into a 1
> person and is nice if you have mulitiple VW's. You can get caps to adapt to
> all the other vehicles as well.
> Also as a heads up-if you get air in the ABS on the TDI's from again "what
> I've read" you need VCDS to actuate the ABS pump to get all the air out.
> Travis
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