[Vwdiesel] UGH!
dieseltdi at verizon.net
dieseltdi at verizon.net
Sun Jul 14 07:11:56 PDT 2013
And then there are days when bad things happen!! ;^) Charge pressure code on 02 could be a clogged manifold or a bad vacuum line or a bad controller. I am having similar AC problems with my 82 so I know how frustrating that can be. In fact, I have set it aside for awhile to work on my Beetle, no stinking technology there!!!! Hayden
On Jul 14, 2013, at 12:44 AM, lbaird119 at aol.com wrote:
> It all started with the Passat dying a couple months ago. Finally got a computer for it, and basically plugged it in and it worked, (after testing the 109 relay in Dad's Passat). Then I remembered the A/C compressor was apparently not pumping and the weather was getting hot. (barely warm for those in TX).
> We finished picking cherries (btw, there are still some leftover Rainieers if anybody close want's to come get some). The 454 I overhauled a couple years ago, was acting up and barely ran when warm. Replaced a cracked gasket/plate and it helped but still fell out on about 2 when warm. Swapped my great running van's carb (Holley in place of the Q-Jet) and it ran better but still like crap. Compression was all within 5 @165 to 170psi. One foulded plug so replaced that, tested plug wires, checked cap (all new about 3K ago). When putting the wires back on I found two burned ones. Clipped ends, reinstalled the clips and tried it out. Good, not great but good enough to haul the equipment back from the other orchard.
> All that to indicate frustration and why diesels are better, I could diagnose a miss on a diesel much easier!
> Then the Passat. Tried it a couple times as I waited for our 4th of July trip to the ocean, to pick up a great priced compressor, along the way. It started like a champ! Yay, so nice to have it running and soon cooling too! Finally got a ride home to take the car to the shop and put the comprssor in it. WIfe left and the car wouldn't start!!! UGH! A bit of frustration, irritation and started walking back to the shop. Stopped at a shop along the way to discuss the 454 problems. Wife called, picked me up and now I had Dad's Passat and could test the 109 relay again. (We're using his car while ours is dead.) Now the 109 isn't working! Bummer but at least diagnosed. I popped it open and it had a majorly undersoldered connection that had lost all continuity. Re-soldered and back in business.
> Next day: A/C compressor is in, evacuated and put in some 134a. Start the car and I have about 30 and 50 for pressures. :-( Replacement compressor wasn't any better than the old one! Bummer again. At least they're fine with refunding my money when I get it shipped back or get it to a friend to drop off.
> In the meantime, my daughter tells me that Dad's '02 Golf had lost power on her way to work. Started it up after supper and there was a white cloud (unburned diesel) and it was missing on one hole. I figured it must be a collapsed lifter, if it was an injector, it shouldn't smoke unburned fuel. Finally installed VAG-COM on the computer and used the cable I so gratefully got from a fellow listmember, and checked codes. First got an intermittent temp sender code, cleard it and drove it. Nope, no better to speak of and now had a "17964 - Charge Pressure Control P1556-35 Negative deviaton intermittent" error code. Anybody have any idea what to look for?
> Dad's Passat's clutch pedal had been an issue lately. It's been low for some time and had started sticking to the floor or not fully disengaging. 50/50 chance whether it's the master or slave. So, crap runs downhill and I figured the slave. Nope, so got a master too. Fixed it, yay! Nope, today they come back and it's way low on fluid, not disengaging, pedal to the floor and brakes weak too. Ugh! Luckily I found that the fitting from the hose to the master cyl inlet had broken in half! Luckily I had saved the old one!
> Doesn't seem like I can fix them as fast as they break right now and we're running low on operatonial vehicles! :-P Rabbit's still in the shop waiting for time to turbo, reassemble and fab. MB needs tranny dipstick tube sealed (hopefully), Quattro... Ugh! At least the pu still runs even though it needs brakes, door panel put back and GP relay checked out. Oye!
> Loren
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Proud owner of:
2004 Jetta GL PD TDI
1968 Beetle, my latest project, watch for details
1982 VW Jetta Coupe with GTD turbo diesel transplant (in progress)
And many, many, many VWs; from a 1947 Beetle (13 Beetles total), to Vans (5 - 3 splitties, 2 bay window (both were campers), 1 Vanagon Westy, Rabbits (3), Karmen Ghia (1), Jettas (9), Passats (2), Dasher (1), New Beetle (1), Rabbit Convertible (1) and Rabbit Pickups (3) most now gone but not forgotten.
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