[Vwdiesel] Manifold cleaning question

Dave Cook davevw at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 9 20:14:10 PDT 2013

I went ahead and did it today.  I reused the metal gaskets, and used an o-ring I had on the shelf for the EGR gasket.  So far, so good.  

The gunk, in some ways, was a little less than I had hoped.  (Hoping I'd make an extreme difference.) About a quarter inch all around.  It might feel a tad perkier, but I could also be looking for it.

Ugh, getting at all those bolts is kind of a pain, with stuff blocking them all.

I also replaced the faulty coolant temp sender, which seems to be keeping the check engine light off.  Fresh oil completed the job.

Dave Cook

 From: Dave Cook <davevw at yahoo.com>
To: tdi <VW-TDI at yahoogroups.com>; VW Diesel Group <vwdiesel at vwfans.com> 
Sent: Saturday, June 8, 2013 11:22 PM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Manifold cleaning question

I think I may need a project tomorrow...  

I was just wondering if it is OK to reuse the gaskets for the intake manifold?  Off the top of my head, it is just the metal manifold gasket, the o-ring for the EGR valve, and the metal gaskets for the pipe to the EGR, right?  

I'm pretty sure I've read they can be reused.  If so, I may finally get that done tomorrow.  

Today I rebuilt the trailer hitch I built last year, which was bent up when I was rear ended in October.  I salvaged the 2x3 cross tube from the old one and welded it to new 1/4 2x2 angle iron which goes into the frame.  I decided that since the back of the car looks "not pretty" I could do it ghetto-fabulous and trimmed the wheel liners to get at the bolts and such.  Since the license plate is all bent up and just as ugly as the rest of the rear of the car, I just screwed its top holes to the lower holes on the bumper, lowering it below the hitch.  I doubt I'll bother buying another hinged license plate flippy-deal to make it hidden again.
Dave Cook
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