[Vwdiesel] rebuild?    RE: GTD Spec/ My Quantum

Mark Shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Mon May 13 19:08:48 PDT 2013

Brian, Please accept my appologies for apparently ignoring you. Just before I list my seemingly 'contraversial'
techniques, allow me to stir the hornet's nest gently first before I hit it like Tiger Woods, with an update of how the car is doing nearly 3 years after rebuild:

When I replaced my rings, some had 160thou gaps Mileage was generally 43 to 48mpg at best, town or interstate.. This wasn’t bad considering that the compression of the engine ranged from 190 to 290psi. 7 out of 12 rings stuck in. Bore had some top wear, but standard replacement rings just came into spec.
Below is the official figures for mileage , as of 1988 to 1990 for the diesel Golfs and Quantums. Underneath are my most recent results for my Quantum. 
The 90kmh and 120 kmh figures for the book are done at constant speed, so round a race track I assume. Not yet researched DIN etc.'Urban' I guess might be influenced by size of village/city. (90% of my Urban is to my local supermarket and so only 2 mile round trips :o( My Trips were both identical and about 70% interstate, although there was a 3 mile traffic jam on the interstate for the second trip. About 60 to 65mph on interstate generally.
Litres per 100km 282.5/Litres per 100km give mpg[imp] DIN &(Utac)
@90km/hr @120km/hr Urban @90km/hr @120km/hr UrbanGolf ECO (1V) 61.4 42.8 43.5 
Golf TD 4.3(4.7) 6.1(6.7) 6.3(6.5) 65.6(60) 46.3(42.2) 44.8(43.5)
Golf GTD 4.4 6.2 6.3 64.2 45.6 44.8 Passat TD 4.6(4.7) 6.6(6.9) 6.9(6.7) 61.4(60.1) 42.8(40.9) 40.9(42.2)(QuantumFastback)
Passat TD 4.9(5) 7.1(7.1) 6.9(6.7) 57.6(56.5) 39.8(39.8) 40.9(42.1)(QuantumWagon)   My Quantum Wagon, 1988 with 1985 mechanical head engine; the last 5 fuellings: Urban Trip Urban Trip Urban QTD 43; (6.6) 61.4; (4.6) 47; (6) 59.5; (4.7) 48 (5.9)Wagon
So nearly 3 years after my hand hone, the engine is running well enough to beat book economies, with minimal oil useage. 
A little mathematical jiggery pokery: If I was to take my trip mpg multiplied by the factor of book values for mk2GolfTD/Quantum Wagon TD, IE 65.6/57.6 x 61.4, then my engine in a mk2 Golf, all thing being equal, would make ’Hagar’s 70mpg! 
If I also take into account that a pure interstate trip would add perhaps another 4 or 5 mpg, and if I removed the fruit, veg and tools out of the back, another couple of miles would be gained, and so on the fiddle factor, 75mpg in a Golf :o) 
Then timing may not be at optimum .... 22.5 thou, 130bar.... Yep that is correct; my TD pump is set to 0.57mmMark 

Message Received: Apr 25 2013, 05:31 PM
From: "Brian and Ruth Decker" 
To: "'Mark Shepherd'" 
Subject: rebuild? RE: [Vwdiesel] GTD Spec

HI Mark;
I rebuild many old 1.5 and 1.6 diesels and many times they are two worn out to hold the new rings for long after a traditional honeing and rering. I would be very interested in your method both for price and longevity.
Brian Decker
Western Washington State.

-----Original Message-----
From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com] On Beh

Not on the GTD site at the moment as 'Theman' blocked, probably undemocratically, because he couldn't cope with my innovation. Useful in these austere times. 
My $22 rebuild just yesterday returned 61.4mpg, more than 2 years after the rebuild, burns no oil, and unlike his 'properly' honed engine using the 'real' tool, has no

> Mark
> ______________________________

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Proud owner of:
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1982 VW Jetta Coupe with GTD turbo diesel transplant (in progress) And many, many, many VWs; from a 1947 Beetle (13 Beetles total), to Vans (5 - 3 splitties, 2 bay window (both were campers), 1 Vanagon Westy, Rabbits (3), Karmen Ghia (1), Jettas (9), Passats (2), Dasher (1), New Beetle (1), Rabbit Convertible (1) and Rabbit Pickups (3) most now gone but not forgotten.
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