[Vwdiesel] caddy floor rusted

Travis . tgott at hotmail.com
Tue May 14 15:04:03 PDT 2013

Believe me-there is a reason I am the only one driving around in a 20 plus year old vehicle (that qualifies for hobyist and/or collector license plates). My 97 Dodge is pretty rusted to where I am almost able to reach inside the cab from the bottom of the door area. My 2000 Geo Metro has some bad spots on the front end as well. Here-we have salt that pushes things to the extrem. In Wyoming everything had a light surface rust on the front end from the sand on the roads sand blasting it but that was it. Here-there just isn't anything left. Unibodies in this part of the world seem to stop driving from the safety hazzard before the engine/tranny failure. And real frame bodied vehicles-don't have enough of the shell left to keep the weather outside. There is a guy at work that when he was younger used spray foam to help seal for a little bit longer. The damage to the roads from salt isn't pretty either. Just the city uses 2100 tons of salt. The county around 3500. Then there is all the other cities within the county and the individual homes and businesses that also use it. I am amazed a fish can even live in the water during the spring rains. 
So-very common in this part of the world for things to rust. Can't help you on the repair side of things. I just don't drive mine in the winter salt season in Wisconsin.  		 	   		  

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