[Vwdiesel] A/C. Again (fwd)
Val Christian
val at mongo.mongobird.com
Wed May 15 19:55:45 PDT 2013
I have about 7 cars rolling right now, and for what it is worth, I seem to
be getting new AC compressors about every 4 or 5 years for each one.
The cars I drive get mostly highway miles, and in the summer I crank on
the AC, and they seem to last a little less than the others.
I have gotten compressors from Autohausaz, as new, and found them to
be not significantly different from the factory compressors, in
apparent performance, as well as longevity.
Gauges are a must, and I have a vac pump. Prior to that I used a venturi pump
that runs off compressed air. Your air compressor will get a good running
with an evac. Also, I pump the systems down, and let them sit with a vac
overnight, and then pump them down to see if I can draw them down
further. I figure it just helps getting moisture out of the system.
I normally replace the filter/dryer when replacing the compressor.
I have probably done between 12 and 14 compressors over the last 6 years,
on my cars and others. I would go with the lower cost compressor, replace
the filter, make certain you have the right amount of oil, and if you
can evac the system over night. Shalyn, if you have a compressor, I can
ship you my venturi vac pump. You will need gauges, though. Getting
the 134a in 30# cylinders is probably the most cost effective way to
go. Gee, I think I have three R-12 30# cylinders I should probably
look for a new home for.
Issuppose liquid refrigerant making it back to the compressor could "slug" it and make it knock and noy cool well. That should require it to do ok at the start and then the noise pick up as it keeps running. Not enough oil to start with could cause it to start knocking over time I suppose. James prebably has dealt with similar on his equipment at some time... :-) Gauges and checking for frost or cold lines where they shouldn't be can go a long way to diagnosing it.
I'd forgotten I need to replace the compressor on the Passat as well. It simply just doesn't cool anymore but it's not low on refrigerant and the clutch works. So been wondering myself if the cheaper (most likely Chinese compressors are crap and need to spend twice as much myself.
-----Original Message-----
From: Shalyn Shourds <sshourds at flash.net>
To: vwdiesel <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Wed, May 1, 2013 10:02 pm
Subject: [Vwdiesel] A/C. Again
Two years ago, I replaced my 2000 Jetta's a/c compressor. I got a new one for
bout $250, installed it, and went on my way. The VW shop where I got the
ystem vacuumed and recharged told me that if I paid less than $500, I was
etting a bogus "new" compressor and it was almost certainly a rebuild with
hinese innards.
Now, I have a pronounced hammering sound when I run the compressor. I'm
nclined to believe them now. First compressor lasted 11 years.
Thoughts on compressors? I bought this sold as new from AutohausAZ. Never had
problem before. It's getting toward summer here in Texas and it's a mission
ritical part. No matter how beat up and old the car on the road here, the a/c
lways works. It's that kind of hot. I gotta decide whether to buy another
250 compressor or pay the probably $500 this shop wants for the part.
I'm also open to suggestions as to why the sounds and mediocre cooling could be
omething other than the compressor. I try hard to not have a lot of experience
orking on a/c systems.
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