[Vwdiesel] confirm or ?

ralph meyermann ralphmeyermann at gmail.com
Sun Nov 24 02:49:17 PST 2013

Wheel bearing.

Velma 82 1.9L AAZ td westy
On Nov 23, 2013 7:00 PM, "James Hansen" <jhsg at sasktel.net> wrote:

> OK, I need the collective, incredible diesel intelligence of our combined
> group as we are smarter and better looking than the average non diesel
> driver.  ;^)
> ***
> Yaaarrrrrp?
> ***
> OK here goes, I am hearing a grinding sound coming from the front of the
> car, I believe it is the front left because of the way it echoes off the
> retaining walls of the highway.  It is obviously speed sensitive and
> actually goes away at very high speeds but is definitely present at any
> speed above idle to about 45 mph.  It is not effected by applying the brake
> or the clutch BUT it does change when moving the steering wheel back and
> forth and in full turn mode, it is extremely loud and grinding.
> ***
> Wheel bearing.
> Go for a drive, try to stay off the brakes to any extent, and shoot it with
> your infrared temp gun.
> ***
>  I cannot reproduce the sound with the front wheels in the air (and the
> backs have new bearings on both sides - inner and outer)  I have been
> thinking that it must be the CV joints as the ones on the car are from an
> 85
> Cabriolet that I used for parts of my Frankenjetta.
> ***
> Didja torque the cv joint nut in correct and all? Might have killed a
> bearing, if it rolled around any extent with the cv joints out, it can kill
> a bearing easy, but you know that...  it cocks the rolling elements, then
> when you torque it up, and don't roll the bearing over any, it catches and
> brinnells the race.
> ***
>  Funny thing is there is no back and forth play of the shaft.  The only
> play
> I can see is about a ½” of looseness when turning the wheel back and forth
> before there is movement of the axle.  My other thinking was the front
> wheel
> bearings but that just doesn’t seem to fit the data.  What think ye all?
> Hayden
> -james
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