[Vwdiesel] Engine Carnage Shots

sandy cameron scameron at storm.ca
Thu Oct 17 07:01:56 PDT 2013

On 10/17/2013 12:42 AM, lbaird119 at aol.com wrote:
>    Ouch!  Looks like rebore, pistons, probably valve guides, valves likely, at least exhaust, probably main and rod bearings, surface the head, maybe the block.  Can probably flat file the block.  MOH.
>     Loren
This spurs me on to creating a loud, simple (reliable) overheat alarm to 
awaken me to an overheat before melt down!

These old, hand wrought, diesel retros can be failure-prone and quicker 
to grenade than some of us less aware old farts would notice in time to 
save them. old hoses rupture, seals fail, attention lapses. Happens to 
me too!

I'm too old the enjoy doing rebuilds, just want to keep them running and 
enjoy them.

A thermo switch (or 2), 150c, 250f salvaged from a microwave 
oven,Clamped to the block / head,  a relay, (have a box full), and a 
horn in the cabin to shock us from our somnolent reverie, should work.  
If it doesn't cause a heart attack!


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