[Vwdiesel] Engine Carnage Shots

Chris Geiser cfgeiser at gmail.com
Thu Oct 17 07:42:49 PDT 2013

Sandy - where would you mount said alarm sensor?  In other words, what's
the hottest accessible spot on the head or the spot likely to show
excessive heat first during a coolant failure on an IDI 1.6?

**sent with mobile device
 On Oct 17, 2013 9:19 AM, "sandy cameron" <scameron at storm.ca> wrote:

> On 10/17/2013 12:42 AM, lbaird119 at aol.com wrote:
>>    Ouch!  Looks like rebore, pistons, probably valve guides, valves
>> likely, at least exhaust, probably main and rod bearings, surface the head,
>> maybe the block.  Can probably flat file the block.  MOH.
>>     Loren
>>  This spurs me on to creating a loud, simple (reliable) overheat alarm to
> awaken me to an overheat before melt down!
> These old, hand wrought, diesel retros can be failure-prone and quicker to
> grenade than some of us less aware old farts would notice in time to save
> them. old hoses rupture, seals fail, attention lapses. Happens to me too!
> I'm too old the enjoy doing rebuilds, just want to keep them running and
> enjoy them.
> A thermo switch (or 2), 150c, 250f salvaged from a microwave oven,Clamped
> to the block / head,  a relay, (have a box full), and a horn in the cabin
> to shock us from our somnolent reverie, should work.  If it doesn't cause a
> heart attack!
> 73,
> Sandy,
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