[Vwdiesel] Back on the map of the world.

Mark Shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Mon Dec 1 07:44:56 PST 2014

What a Cluster F... After 7 years of research on my Quantum, I will never stretch a stretch bolt again:
Take your old bolt, and using a torque gauge, find it's current plastic torque limit. If it flats out at say 80lbft, then likely as not the original strength was perhaps 90lbft 
Take your new bolt, and torque up to 75ish. 0r 10lb under your reading. ..Quantums are becoming collectible now, here in the UK... I started up the fastback a couple 
of months ago after it being left in the garden since summer 2004. A bit rumblely, as I'd forgotten I'd used the centre exhaust on my current runner. Marvellous... 4 
door Scirocco look-a-like :o)

Message Received: Dec 01 2014, 01:45 AM
From: "Shalyn Shourds" 
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Back on the map of the world.

Just had a long knock-down drag-out with technical support wherein I gave
up and make a new email address. As a result, I'm back on the list after
months off. @$%# ISP. As you can tell from the address, it's really hard
to come up with an email address no one's used on Gmail before. And yes, I
know cows sleep on the ground not standing up. Dairy farming childhood.

Story of the weekend. Beautiful 4 day weekend here in Texas. Good time to
do a timing belt on the '00 TDI. I'd ordered a timing belt kit,
everything's ready, started spinning off parts. Putting parts back on
yesterday, I reach in the box for the stretch bolt that goes in the large
roller. Reach farther in the box. No bolt. I threw a few tools in a
failed attempt to feel better, aired up the bicycle and rode 6 miles
through traffic to get to the dealer then six miles back. So exhausted I
fell asleep. Today, I put the bolt in the car and realize that the dealer
sold me the wrong bolt. It's a Sunday, I can't get another one till
tomorrow, and I'm out of cars. Surprisingly, walking inside the house,
carefully closing the door, and screaming myself hoarse made me feel

I guess I should have got the parts from ID parts. I'd got impatient
waiting on hold and called someone else. The dealer....well, they're the

Once again, I'll be driving a rented Hyundai or something and working on
the car in the dark after the cold front comes through. (For reference, it
was 80F today. 42 tomorrow.)

Just in case y'all missed my occasional stories of woe.


(still sshourds at flash.net, aside from subscribing to the list)
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