[Vwdiesel] updates

Bryan Belman dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 22 05:25:11 PST 2014

Great update, you have a busy house hold for sure.
I agree on the fueling.  those EGT's are low.  Turning the fueling up 1/8 to 1/4 at a time to see what happens is good.  On my van, I get way too much black smoke on a hill climb with my foot down to try and keep up my speed, no turbo, so I need to turn the fueling down a notch, just have not gotten around to it yet.  On my old 92 1.6TD, the EGT's would never pass 950F, but I had by probe in the exhaust manifold, not pre turbo.
Where is your probe mounted?

Bryan Belman, Pt. Pleasant, NJ
04 Jetta Wagon TDI PD BEW, 100hp, 5sp -- running :<)
04 Golf TDI PD BEW, 100hp, 5sp Tiptronic Auto -- running :<)
82 Diesel Westy 1.9NA 1Y -- running :<)
70 Type 1 Beetle -- Under Restoration forever:-)

On Saturday, January 18, 2014 9:21 AM, ralph meyermann <ralphmeyermann at gmail.com> wrote:
Been busy myself with holidays, funeral, both daughter and I getting the
week long bug on separate occasions while working7 days and the time it
takes being a full time single parent. My timing tool kit is in the mail
and planning on having it timed up good by next weekend then making the
decision on 15" tire size with deciding gasser or diesel transaxle to
rebuild and use adding a taller 3rd gear to shorten the gap to 4th. I
haven't noticed any haze or smoke with mine either?  Fully loaded with
pulling my small boat im getting 21 mpg and the best ive gotten running
light with a small tail wind is 32mpg but mostly 26-28 mpg. Would like to
have some more oomph.

Velma 82 1.9L AAZ td westy
On Jan 17, 2014 9:29 PM, <dieseltdi at verizon.net> wrote:

> Well it has been a while since I posted anything in the way of updates on
> my 82 Jetta GTD due to the holidays, a bum shoulder, a daughter in the
> hospital (and the requisite baby sitting of 4 grandkids) an ice storm, a
> separate storm with temperatures in the teens for several days AND the
> Spring school semester starting.  So a bit of update:  first of all, I
> solved my battery charging problem by simply bypassing the starter with the
> charge wire.  I used 6 gauge (?) wire left over from my solar panel
> installation to run the charge wire all the way from the alternator to the
> battery in the trunk.  Now charges well with no problems starting in the
> cold.  My son recommended this as something he always does with water
> cooled VWs.  I also discovered that my timing was not spot on (85 instead
> of 90) so I reset that.  I am still not satisfied with the MPGs.  Although
> I understand that this engine has a higher flow rate than the regular TDs
> (high flow pump and injectors)I am not satisfied with the 33-35 mpg that it
> is currently getting.  One thing I am going to try is to increase the
> fueling.  I think that it may be somewhat under fueled for two reasons.
>  First it produces virtually no visible smoke in daylight unless I drop a
> gear and stand on it.  At night I can see just a light haze upon heavy
> acceleration.  I am also not producing much in the way of exhaust heat.
>  The other day, on the highway, I rapidly accelerated uphill from 60-75 mpg
> and could only produce about 300 degrees C (572 F).  So my intention is to
> remove the collar from the fuel adjustment and turn it up ¼ turn at a time
> until I am getting a bit of visible smoke on acceleration.  The car is
> making great boost.  I blocked off the intake pressure relief valve and can
> pull a really strong and steady 13 psi but I have an adjustor that I need
> to install that will give me access to the full 15 psi that the pump is set
> up for.  I also installed a water temperature gauge so that I can compare
> the “idiot” gauge, the oil temp and the water temp.  The results are
> interesting.  After a long drive, the car has oil temperature of 220-230 F,
> water temperature of about 200 degrees and the idiot gauge isn’t even at
> the halfway mark.  It is barely above the wide white area on the left!  My
> current problem is dealing with ANOTHER leaking heater control valve.  I am
> about to replace it with another China Replacement Auto Part (the last one
> lasted only a few months) while I await the arrival of 2 genuine Meyle
> valves to arrive.  Hopefully this will allow me to drive that care without
> carrying a bottle of antifreeze with me.  I still have a bit of things to
> do with rattles and such but the car is doing well as a daily commuter and
> gets as many looks from other drivers today as it did back in 81 when I
> bought the first delivered MK1 Jetta in Monroe, La.
> In a separate update, the Ecodiesel Grand Cherokee is really doing
> fantastically.  The low end mileage has been in the low 20’s  mpg but I
> have gotten as high as 31.7 mpg on one tank.  I am well pleased considering
> the size of the vehicle.  Can’t wait till we finally pick up a travel
> trailer and hit the road with it.    Hayden
> “There are many men of principle in both parties in America, but there is
> no party of principle.”
> “I do not know if the people of the United States would vote for superior
> men if they ran for office, but there can be no doubt that such men do not
> run."
> “I cannot help fearing that men may reach a point where they look on every
> new theory as a danger, every innovation as a toilsome trouble, every
> social advance as a first step toward revolution, and that they may
> absolutely refuse to move at all.”  Alexis de Tocqueville
> Proud owner of:
> 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee Ecodiesel
> 1968 Beetle, Still in progress
> 1982 VW Jetta Coupe GTD "FrankenJetta"
> And many, many, many VWs; from a 1947 Beetle (13 Beetles total), to Vans
> (5 - 3 splitties  2 bay window (both were campers), 1 Vanagon Westy,
> Rabbits (3), Karmen Ghia (1), Jettas (11), Passats (2), Dasher (1), New
> Beetle (1), Rabbit Convertible (1) and Rabbit Pickups (3) most now gone but
> not forgotten.
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